The cheese in the region of La Ribagorza is a good example of how, through a product may preserve and restore the flavorful legacy of popular knowledge, promoting jobs and creating new economic spaces in rural areas, which has contributed to increase awareness and appreciation of this rich culinary heritage.
On La Ribagorza cheese is something for everyone: raw milk or pasteurized sheep, goat or beef, fresh or cured... For excellence and craftsmanship are backed by the C product quality, which have historical tradition in herited from ancient wisdom, and with top quality local produce. Not surprisingly, the kindness of local fields, which produce a particularly delicate herb, is credited with the exquisite taste of meat and milk from cattle that graze. The mountain cheeses are processed and made for a long shelf life would continue the tradition of French cheese. Beneficiaries of this tradition are the current Sahún of Benabarre and Senz.