The snowshoes are attached to hiking boots and snow-covered ground scroll through the snow without sinking. What makes thousands of years was a method of movement for the hunters of the Caucasus, is actually a form of winter hiking. The possibilities for snowshoeing at The Ribagorza are as big as mountains.
With them, you can access virtually anywhere in the Pyrenees on a blanket of snow. One of the places where they go into this sport is the "Camí dels Aran," a range of 5 kilometers from the skiing station of Llanos del Hospital de Benasque and ends at 2000m. high, in the Aigualluts Forau of where the water coming down from the glacier disappears Aneto to reappear after an underground tour, in the Valle de Aran.
Where I can practice?
- Hospital de Benasque
- Sierra de Chía
- Parque Natural Posets – Maladeta
- Entorno de Laspaúles
- Macizo del Turbón
The possibilities for doing rackets in La Ribagorza are so immense as its mountains. With them, you can access almost anywhere in the Pyrenees on a blanket of snow. |