Laspaúles part of the municipality, Denuy, Llaguno Ardanué, Neril, Suils, Villaplana, Alins, Villarué, Abella, thick, thick Alto, Rins y Arcas. Laspaúles is perhaps one of the municipalities of greater height that is in our region. This has contributed to the architecture of the municipality. From this point, in addition, the views are breathtaking.
Places of interest
Theme of the Witches
Exhibition of liturgical
Flour mill
Ermita de Santa Llusía
Church of San Esteban, s. XII, in Villarrué
Information of interest
The festivities take place the last Sunday of August.
The first weekend of the month, biannually, is celebrated The Consell de Laspauls, a play based on some original manuscripts of the year 1593.
Laspaúles Township stretches along the headwaters to the start of Isábena Obarra gorge. Is between Fadas Coll and Coll de Espina, surrounded by meadows, on the right bank of the river Isábena.
Is linked by the N-260 with the Valley of the Noguera-Ribagorzana and Esera Valley.
Ayuntamiento de Laspaules
Plaza Gil Sastre.
Tel. 974 553 141
Callejero de Laspaúles